
148,716,585,560 (米ドル) in 2023

Imports of goods and services comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents of general merchandise, non-monetary gold, and services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

日付 変更 , %
2023 148,716,585,560 3.60%
2022 143,550,058,713 -5.39%
2021 151,728,514,992 24.66%
2020 121,716,236,941 2.60%
2019 118,635,939,505 4.13%
2018 113,935,928,821 10.86%
2017 102,775,542,785 13.01%
2016 90,945,510,477 -0.75%
2015 91,632,710,482 -6.09%
2014 97,573,155,219 9.48%
2013 89,122,921,348 11.84%
2012 79,690,161,118