Rio Grande do Norte

  • Capital:Natal
  • Number of Municipalities:167 (2010)
  • Governor:Robinson Faria
  • Vice Governor:Fabio Dantas
  • Land Area, sq km:52,811.05 (2002)
  • Resident population, 1000 persons :3442.175 (2015)
  • Urban population, % of total:78.7 (2011)
  • Rural population, % of total:21.3 (2011)
  • Density, Inhabitants per sq km:65.2 (2015)
  • Fertility rate, Children per Woman:1.95 (2011)
  • Literate people, % of total:83.6 (2011)
  • Beds in Hospitals, Number per 1000 persons:2.18 (2009)
  • GDP, Billions of R$:39,543.7 (2012)
  • GDP as % of national GDP, %:0.9 (2012)
  • GDP per capita, R$:10,207.6 (2010)
  • Average cost of square metre, R$:769.3 (2013)
  • Temporary crop output, thousand reais:849862 (2013)
  • Permanent crop output, thousand reais:217580 (2013)
  • Animal origin products output, thousand reais:396761 (2012)
  • Official Web-site of the Region
