
  • Capital:Nanning
  • Secretary:Lu Xinshe
  • Governor:Chen Wu
  • Population, thousands:48850 (2017)
  • Area, sq. km:236000 (2013)
  • Population density, persons per sq. km:206.99 (2017)
  • Ethnic composition:Han - 62%, Zhuang - 32%, Yao - 3%, Miao - 1%, Dong - 0.7%, Vietnamese - 0.6%, Gelao - 0.4%
  • Birth rate, per 1000 population:15.14 (2017)
  • Death Rate, Per 1000 population:6.22 (2017)
  • Natural growth rate of population, Per 1000 population:8.92 (2017)
  • Official web-site of the region
  • GDP, Million Yuan:1,852,326.0 (2017)
  • GDP per capita, Yuan:41955 (2017)
  • GRP Index:107.3 (2017)
  • Consumer Price Index:101.6 (2017)
  • Floor Space under Construction, 10000,306.9 (2017)
  • Number of Employed Persons:3980300 (2017)
  • Unemployment rate in urban areas (%):2.2 (2017)
  • Average Wage (yuan):63821 (2017)
  • Possession of private passenger vehicles:4,027,400.0 (2017)
  • Number of health care institutions:34,008 (2017)
