The urgent need to protect nature and end deforestation was at the centre of plans to deliver on global climate targets at the UN climate conference in Glasgow in 2021. However, according to the Forest 500 assessments far too many of the companies that are most exposed to deforestation are not doing enough. Here are key takeaways from the 2022 Forest 500 Annual Report.

  • Nearly three out of four (72%) of the 350 companies do not have a deforestation commitment for all of the forest-risk commodities in their supply chains.
  • 210 of 350 companies have no overarching deforestation commitment.
  • While 28 companies published a new commitment to address deforestation since last year, just 11 of these companies have a deforestation commitment for all of the commodities they are exposed to.
  • Many companies with commitments are failing to provide evidence of how they are implementing them, particularly for soy, beef and leather supply chains.
  • None of the companies assessed had a comprehensive approach to human rights.

The Forest 500 ranking, which has been carried out annually since 2014, is based on an assessment of the 350 companies and 150 financial institutions that have the greatest influence on deforestation in commodity supply chains. The assessment measures the strength of their published deforestation commitments and policies, and the progress made on implementation.

Forest 500 ranking includes companies at all stages of the deforestation economy, from retailers and manufacturers, to producers and processors, through to the banks and investors that finance these activities. It assesses efforts to address deforestation related to the six biggest drivers of commodity- related deforestation: palm oil, soy, beef, leather, timber and pulp & paper.

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