
  • Governor General:Drame Froyla Tzalam
  • 首相:Johnny Briceño
  • 首都:Belmopan
  • 言語:English 62.9% (official), Spanish 56.6%, Creole 44.6%, Maya 10.5%, German 3.2%, Garifuna 2.9%, other 1.8%, unknown 0.3%, none 0.2% (cannot speak) note: shares sum to more than 100% because some respondents gave more than one answer on the census (2010 est.)
  • 政府
  • 統計局
  • 人口、人:414,097 (2024)
  • 面積、平方キロメートル:22,810
  • 1人当たりGDP、US $:7,460 (2023)
  • GDP、現在の10億米ドル:3.1 (2023)
  • GINI指数:53.3 (1999)
  • ビジネスのしやすさランク:55
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