
  • 大統領:Joe Biden
  • 副大統領:Kamala Harris
  • 首都:Washington, D.C.
  • 言語:English 79.2%, Spanish 12.9%, other Indo-European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island 3.3%, other 0.9% (2011 est.) note: data represents the language spoken at home; the US has no official national language, but English has acquired official status in 31 of the 50 states; Hawaiian is an official language in the state of Hawaii
  • 政府
  • 統計局
  • 人口、人:340,912,892,000 (2024)
  • 面積、平方キロメートル:9,147,420
  • 1人当たりGDP、US $:81,695 (2023)
  • GDP、現在の10億米ドル:27,360.9 (2023)
  • GINI指数:39.8 (2021)
  • ビジネスのしやすさランク:6

すべてのデータセット: S
  • S
    • 7月 2023
      ソース: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 27 7月, 2023
      Excess capacity is one of the main challenges facing the global steel sector. The OECD Steelmaking Capacity database contains data on crude steelmaking capacity by economy and provides researchers and policymakers with an important tool for analysing steel capacity developments.