
  • 大統領:Edgars Rinkevics
  • 首相:Evika Siliņa
  • 首都:Riga
  • 言語:Latvian (official) 56.3%, Russian 33.8%, other 0.6% (includes Polish, Ukrainian, and Belarusian), unspecified 9.4% note: represents lanugage usually spoken at home (2011 est.)
  • 政府
  • 統計局
  • 人口、人:1,820,099 (2024)
  • 面積、平方キロメートル:62,230
  • 1人当たりGDP、US $:23,184 (2023)
  • GDP、現在の10億米ドル:43.6 (2023)
  • GINI指数:34.3 (2021)
  • ビジネスのしやすさランク:19

すべてのデータセット: I W
  • I
    • 5月 2021
      ソース: Global Trade Alert
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 23 6月, 2021
      The Global Trade Alert (GTA) was launched in June 2009 when it was feared that the global financial crisis would lead governments to adopt widespread 1930s-style beggar-thy-neighbour policies. Although global in scope, the GTA has given particular attention to the policy choices of the G-20 governments ever since their leaders made a “no protectionism” pledge in Washington DC in November 2008. Although initially conceived as a trade policy monitoring initiative, as thousands of policy announcements have been documented, the GTA has become a widely-used input for analysis and decision-making by firms, industry associations, journalists, researchers, international organisations, and governments. This reflects the fact that, as the International Monetary Fund noted in 2016, the GTA “has the most comprehensive coverage of all types of trade-discriminatory and trade liberalizing measures.”   Data Cited at: https://www.globaltradealert.org
  • W
    • 6月 2024
      ソース: British Geological Survey
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 01 6月, 2024
      World Mineral Production covers the majority of economically important mineral commodities. For each commodity constant efforts are made to ensure that as many producing countries as possible are reported. For some commodities, where statistics on production are not publicly available, estimates are made.