
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across EU member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.

すべてのデータセット: E
  • E
    • 12月 2024
      ソース: Eurostat
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 10 12月, 2024
      Maastricht criterion bond yields (mcby) are long-term interest rates, used as a convergence criterion for the European Monetary Union, based on the Maastricht Treaty
    • 12月 2024
      ソース: Eurostat
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 11 12月, 2024
      A yield curve, also known as term structure of interest rates, represents the relationship between market remuneration (interest) rates and the remaining time to maturity of debt securities. The information content of a yield curve reflects the asset pricing process on financial markets. When buying and selling bonds, investors include their expectations of  future inflation, real interest rates and their assessment of risks. An investor calculates the price of a bond by discounting the expected future cash flows (coupon payments and/or redemption). ECB estimates zero-coupon yield curves for the euro area and also derives forward and par yield curves. A zero coupon bond is a bond that pays no cupon and is sold at a discount from its face value. The zero coupon curve represents the yield to maturity of hypothetical zero coupon bonds, since they are not directly observable in the market for a wide range of maturities. They must therfore be estimatedfrom existing zero coupon bonds and fixed coupon bond prices or yields.  The forward curve shows the short-term (instantaneous) interest rate for future periods implied in the yield curve. The par yield reflects hypothetical yields, namely the interest rates the bonds would have yielded had they been priced at par (i.e. at 100).