National Institute of Statistics, Italy

The Italian National Institute of Statistics is a public research organisation. It has been present in Italy since 1926, and is the main producer of official statistics in the service of citizens and policy-makers. It operates in complete independence and continuous interaction with the academic and scientific communities. Since 1989 Istat has been performing the role of directing, coordinating, and providing technical assistance and training within the National Statistical System (Sistan). The System was established under Legislative Decree 322/89 in order to rationalise the production and publication of information and to optimise resources allocated to official statistics. Sistanis made up of Istat, central and branch statistical departments of Public Administrations, of local and regional bodies, Chambers of Commerce, other public bodies and administrations providing statistical information.

すべてのデータセット: R
  • R
    • 10月 2023
      ソース: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 11 10月, 2023
      Data source(s) used: Survey on road accidents resulting in death or injury: the “road accidents survey” collects all road accidents resulting in death or injury, involving at least a vehicle circulating on the national road net and documented by a Police authority or military corps. The survey carried out by Istat, with the cooperation of ACI (Automobile Club of Italy) and other public national institutions, is an exhaustive and monthly based data collection (National Statistical Programme - PSN – 00142 code). The data collection system has been adapted to the local level organisation and needs. A flexible data flow model has been adopted by Istat, through the subscription of special agreements with Regions (NUTS2 level) and Provinces (NUTS3 level), to facilitate the local authorities information needs and to improve the timeliness and quality of data collected.
    • 10月 2020
      ソース: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 12 10月, 2020
      Data source(s) used: Survey on road accidents resulting in death or injury: the “road accidents survey” collects all road accidents resulting in death or injury, involving at least a vehicle circulating on the national road net and documented by a Police authority or military corps. The survey carried out by Istat, with the cooperation of ACI (Automobile Club of Italy) and other public national institutions, is an exhaustive and monthly based data collection (National Statistical Programme - PSN – 00142 code). The data collection system has been adapted to the local level organisation and needs. A flexible data flow model has been adopted by Istat, through the subscription of special agreements with Regions (NUTS2 level) and Provinces (NUTS3 level), to facilitate the local authorities information needs and to improve the timeliness and quality of data collected.