Measure of America of the Social Science Research Council

Measure of America is guided by the human development and capabilities approach, which is concerned with the worth and dignity of every person, the expansion of people’s choices and opportunities, and the degree to which different groups of Americans are able to live freely chosen, flourishing lives. MOA follows a participatory and inclusive preparation process that brings together diverse actors as active partners ensures the relevance of Measure of America initiatives and helps build the shared understanding required for collective action. Measure of America provides easy-to-use yet methodologically sound tools for understanding well-being and opportunity in America and stimulating fact-based dialogue about issues like: health, education, and living standards.

すべてのデータセット: I
  • I
    • 9月 2022
      ソース: Measure of America of the Social Science Research Council
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 23 9月, 2022
      Disconnected youth, also referred to as opportunity youth, are teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 who are neither in school nor working Research reveals that being disconnected as a young person has long-term consequences; it’s associated with lower earnings, less education, worse health, and even less happiness in later adulthood. The duration i.e. how long a young person is disconnected also matters, with longer spells of disconnection associated with worse outcomes. This dataset shows the impact of Covid-19 on disconnected youth rate in the USA.