
  • 王:Letsie III
  • 首相:Sam Matekane
  • 首都:Maseru
  • 言語:Sesotho (official) (southern Sotho), English (official), Zulu, Xhosa
  • 政府
  • 統計局
  • 人口、人:2,343,297 (2024)
  • 面積、平方キロメートル:30,360
  • 1人当たりGDP、US $:878 (2023)
  • GDP、現在の10億米ドル:2.0 (2023)
  • GINI指数:44.9 (2017)
  • ビジネスのしやすさランク:122

すべてのデータセット: L W
  • L
  • W
    • 10月 2021
      ソース: World Bank
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 18 8月, 2022
      Data cited at: The World Bank https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ Topic:Wealth Accounting Publication: https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/wealth-accounting License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   The wealth accounting approach provides two related sets of information: comprehensive wealth accounts (a stock measure in total and per capita values), and adjusted net saving (a flow measure). The wealth accounts were updated in 2018, using a new methodology described in The Changing Wealth of Nations 2018.
    • 6月 2023
      ソース: World Inequality Database
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 12 7月, 2023
        For the following indicators, Knoema modified the original reported values by multiplying by 100 to display in percent value in accordance with the WID unit labels: Capital share of national incomeIncome reduction as a result of income taxLabor share of national incomeNet Corporate Wealth to Net National Income RatioNet national wealth to Net National Income RatioNet Non-Profit Wealth to Net National Income RatioNet Personal Wealth to Net National Income RatioNet Private Wealth to Net National Income RatioNet Public Wealth to Net National Income Ratio