
  • 王:Ibrahim Iskandar
  • 首相:Anwar Ibrahim
  • 首都:Kuala Lumpur (official/royal), Putrajaya (administrative)
  • 言語:Bahasa Malaysia (official), English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai note: in East Malaysia there are several indigenous languages; most widely spoken are Iban and Kadazan
  • 政府
  • 統計局
  • 人口、人:35,344,242 (2024)
  • 面積、平方キロメートル:328,550
  • 1人当たりGDP、US $:11,379 (2023)
  • GDP、現在の10億米ドル:399.7 (2023)
  • GINI指数:40.7 (2021)
  • ビジネスのしやすさランク:12

すべてのデータセット: C
  • C
    • 12月 2023
      ソース: Food and Agriculture Organization
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 25 12月, 2023
      The Credit to Agriculture dataset provides national data for over 100 countries on the amount of loans provided by the private/commercial banking sector to producers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, including household producers, cooperatives, and agro-businesses. For some countries, the three sub sectors of agriculture, forestry, and fishing are completely specified. In other cases, complete dis aggregations are not available. The dataset also provides statistics on the total credit to all industries, indicators on the share of credit to agricultural producers, and an agriculture orientation index (the agriculture share of credit, over the agriculture share of GDP).