
  • 首都:Gifu-shi
  • 知事:Hajime Furuta
  • 総人口(千人):2051 (2013)
  • 総面積(Sq.km ):10621.17 (2013)
  • 人口密度(Sq.km当たりの人口):936.7 (2012)
  • 県内総生産(百万円):7123625 (2011)
  • 県内総生産の年間増加率(%):0.4 (2011)
  • 一人当たりの県民所得(千円):2657 (2011)
  • CPIの年間増加率(%):-0.4
  • 当該地域の公式ウェブサイト
  • 失業率(%):5.6 (2010)
  • 賃金、男性(月額平均、千円):331.7 (2011)
  • 賃金、女性(月額平均、千円):224.9 (2011)
  • 世帯あたりの毎月の生活費(千円):298.6 (2011)
  • 1000人あたりの個人使用向けの乗用車 (数):620.3 (2013)
  • 合計特殊出生率(出産)(女性一人当たりの子ども):1.45 (2013)
  • 粗死亡率(1000人当たり):10.49 (2013)
  • 人口の自然増加率(%):-0.16 (2010)
  • 教師一人当たりの小学生(人):16.06 (2011)
  • 主要道路の実際の合計の長さ(1 Sq.km当たり km):2.86 (2012)
  • 犯罪率(人口10万人当たり):29.9 (2010)

すべてのデータセット: P
  • P
    • 3月 2009
      ソース: Eurostat
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 14 4月, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rdbuild Census round 2011 The tables presented cover the total dwellings for 33 countries.The "traditional" census, with enumeration based on questionnaires through door-to-door visits - with interviews of respondents by enumerators or self-compilation of the forms by the respondents - and manual data entry by operators;The "Register based" census which enumerate population on the basis of administrative sources of information. Data collection is based on the use of registers (inhabitants' registers, registers of buildings and dwellings, geographical co-ordinates, school registers, social security, tax, business and company registers). In addition, countries that produce their population statistics from population-register information automatically seem to follow the de jure population concept. Indeed, it must at least be assumed that population registers include only residents who habitually live in the country;The "mixed" census, the third possible census method based on a combination of statistical inquiries and sources. In this case enumeration is always carried out on specific topics or on a sample of the population, and is combined with existing regular statistical surveys, registers, lists, or ad hoc organised activities. (See R 763/2008 Article 4) Census round 2001 The tables presented cover the total dwellings for 31 countries. In the census round 2001 four ways of collecting census data were used, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Census round 1991 The tables presented in the census 1990/1991 round cover the total dwellings for 19 countries. Five main topics are covered: structure of population, active population, education level, households and dwellings. The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes.