Statistics Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) enables people to have debates on social issues on the basis of reliable statistical information.The mission of CBS is to publish reliable and coherent statistical information which responds to the needs of Dutch society. The responsibility of CBS is twofold: firstly, to compile (official) national statistics and secondly to compile European (community) statistics.

すべてのデータセット: I M P
  • I
    • 10月 2016
      ソース: Statistics Netherlands
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 06 10月, 2018
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, 2003-2013 License:   This table contains information on Dutch imports and exports of services broken down by various service types and countries (groups). From 2006 onwards more detailed information is available than the years before. In addition, the annual figures show more detailed information than the quarterly figures. Data available from 2003 to 2013. Status of the figures: The figures are definite. Changes as of 8 October 2014: None, this table has been discontinued. When will new figures be published? No longer applicable.
  • M
    • 6月 2018
      ソース: Statistics Netherlands
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 02 12月, 2018
      Immigration and emigration in the Netherlands and the administrative corrections by country of birth, sex, age and marital status. Data available from: 1995 Status of the figures: All data recorded in this publication are final data. Changes as from 18 June 2018: The final figures of 2017 have been added. Changes as from 26 April 2018: The underlying coding of classifications used in this table has been adjusted. It is now in line with the standard encoding defined by CBS. The structure and data of the table have been adjusted. The age classification has been simplified: the five-year groups have been removed. This makes the table better suited for the interface of the new StatLine. If you are missing these figures, please contact Infoservice (see section 5). When will new figures be published? The final figures of 2018 will be added in the second quarter of 2019 in this publication.
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