Statistics Sweden

Statistics Sweden is responsible for official statistics and for other government statistics. This means that Statistics Sweden develop, produce and disseminate the statistics and coordinate the system for the official statistics in Sweden.

すべてのデータセット: A C E G L N O S T U V W Y
  • A
    • 4月 2019
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 10 4月, 2019
      Accomodation revenue for hotels, holiday villages, youth hostels and commercially arranged private cottage and apartment rentals by county and year 2008 - 2017Please state The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics Sweden as source when publishing information.Accommodation revenue is presented excluding VAT.observationsCommercially arranged private cottage and apartment rentals, total, SEK thousandCommercially arranged private cottage and apartment rentals.
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 17 5月, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                Average hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers, private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                  Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                             Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • 6月 2014
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 14 12月, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)year2011For the 2011 version of the Swedish register of education, there has been a revision for estimates of the level of education and field of education. This may affect some results.
    • 6月 2014
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 14 12月, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.regionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne countySmåland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyregionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne county Småland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyregionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne county Småland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyregionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne county Småland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyyear2010Some values for the year 2010 are not reported after 2012-06-11 due to deficiencies in the underlying material.
    • 6月 2014
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 14 12月, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.
    • 1月 2024
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 31 1月, 2024
      industrial classification NACE Rev. 2J information and communication companies(..) uppgift för osäker för att redovisa.K financial institutions and insurance companies(..) uppgift för osäker för att redovisa.
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 17 5月, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 17 5月, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 17 5月, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 17 5月, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsAverage hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKThe statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKThe statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKThe statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 17 5月, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average age, manual workers private sector (SLP)Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Average total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval, SEK                                                                                                                                                  One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the hourly wage is SEK 98 and the confidence interval is SEK 0.50, this means that the hourly wage that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 98 ± 0.50, that is, between 97.50 and 98.50.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), medianTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), upper quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • 1月 2024
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 27 1月, 2024
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 20 5月, 2023
  • C
  • E
    • 10月 2022
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 09 11月, 2022
      Electricity supply in Sweden by type of power plants. Year 1986 - 2017Conventional thermal power, district heating were named in the SM-tables before 1996 as back-pressure production in power plants. Conventional thermal power, Autoproducer was called industrial back pressure production in the SM-tables before 1996.observationsNetNet production is obtained as the difference between gross production and energy consumtion.
    • 4月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 03 5月, 2023
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2.0 and sex. Month 2009M01 - 2018M11industrial classification NACE Rev. 2New industrial classification SNI 2007 (based on the EU´s industrial standard NACE Rev 2) replaces SNI 2002 as of 2009. As of 2009, information is presented by industry only for work done in Sweden.industrial classification NACE Rev. 2New industrial classification SNI 2007 (based on the EU´s industrial standard NACE Rev 2) replaces SNI 2002 as of 2009. As of 2009, information is presented by industry only for work done in of attachment to the labour marketemployees, totalEmployees, total incluedes both permanent and temporary employeespermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestotal employmentThe employed include employees as well as self-employed persons and assisting family membersindustrial classification NACE Rev. 225-30+33 manufacturing of metal products, machinery and equipment25-30+33 manufacturing of metal products, machinery and equipment is a subset of 05-33+35-39 manufacturing, mining and quarrying, energy and environmentobservationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • 1月 2024
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 27 1月, 2024
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, level of education and sex. Year 2005 - 2017level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)degree of attachment to the labour marketpermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestemporary employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeesself-employed + family workersThe self-employed group includes self-employed persons who have either some form of sole proprietorship, or persons who are freelancers. Family worker includes persons who work without pay in some company belonging to a household member.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • 4月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 03 5月, 2023
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by attachment to the labour market, occupation SSYK 2012 and sex. Month 2015M01 - 2018M11degree of attachment to the labour marketemployees, totalEmployees, total incluedes both permanent and temporary employeespermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestotal employmentThe employed include employees as well as self-employed persons and assisting family membersobservationsMargin of error ±The presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±Because the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • 4月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 03 5月, 2023
      Employed aged 15-74 (LFS), of which at work and of which absent from work the whole week by sex and age. Month 1970M01 - 2018M11For the period 1970M01-1986M12 there are no estimates for persons aged 20-24, this is indicated by “..” in the time series.For the period 1970M01-2000M12 the population was 16-64 years of age. For this reason there are no estimates for persons aged 15-74, 15-19, 15-24, 65-74, this is indicated by “..” in the time series. For the period 1970M01-2005M03 the time series contains “linked data”. No margins of error (uncertainty figures) for this period are present, this is indicated by “..” in the time series.
    • 10月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 27 10月, 2023
      Previous time periods are not revised in conjunction with new publication.”Observations: Current period , month: 2022M09Net trade balance at SEK -1.8 billion in SeptemberForeign trade in goods resulted in a net trade deficit of SEK 1.8 billion in September 2022, according to preliminary calculations. In September 2021, there was a net trade surplus of SEK 5.5 billion. The value of exports in September 2022 was SEK 179.5 billion, while imports were valued at SEK 181.3 billion. The corresponding values for September 2021 were SEK 146.8 billion for exports and SEK 141.3 billion for imports. Exports of goods have thus increased by 22 percent in value, and imports have increased by 28 percent in value compared with September 2021. The number of weekdays in September 2022 was the same as it was in September 2021. Trade in goods with countries outside the EU resulted in a surplus of SEK 19.6 billion, while EU trade resulted in a deficit of SEK 21.4 billion. As from February 2020, the United Kingdom no longer forms part of the group EU Member States and is included, instead, in the group Non-EU Member States. During the last nine months, the value of exports of goods increased by 24 percent, and the value of imports of goods increased by 29 percent compared with the corresponding period one year ago. Exports were valued at SEK 1 465.6 billion and imports were valued at SEK 1 493.1 billion, resulting in a net trade deficit of SEK 27.5 billion for January - September 2022. The corresponding net trade balance for these months one year earlier was a surplus of SEK 25.9 billion.
  • G
  • L
    • 1月 2024
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 31 1月, 2024
      The employers´ tax deduction for youth is changed in the Labour Cost Index in the same month that this deduction is changed for employers. For 2016, this means that employers´ tax deduction was changed in June.Employees of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, LO, classified as wage-earners. Others are classified as salaried employees.Preliminary indices are published approximately two months after the reference month. Employers contributions are forecasted and retroactive pay is not included.Definitive indices are published approximately 14 months after the reference month. Employers contributions are the actual results for the period. Retroactive pay and later received data from companies are included.According to SNI2007 (Swedish Standard Industrial Classification). For more information,
  • N
    • 4月 2022
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 07 4月, 2022
      Nights spent of all hotels, holiday villages, youth hostels, camping sites and commercially arranged private cottages and apartments by region/county and by country of residence. Month 2008M01 - 2018M12Please state The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics Sweden as source when publishing information.The monthly tables include preliminary statistics and are updated upon each publishing date up until the final statistics for the current year are published. The monthly tables for 2008-2017 refer to final statistics. The final statistics for 2018 will be published in the spring of 2019.As of January 2011 camping grounds are presented as the same country of residence as other types of establishments.regionCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and other Sweden excluding metropolitan of residenceCountry of residence refers to the country where the guest, regardless of citizenship, resides permanently (more than 12 months). A Swedish citizen residing abroad is thus presented as a guest from the country of residence.
  • O
    • 4月 2022
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 08 4月, 2022
      Please state The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics Sweden as source when publishing information. Category of guest is reported as a percentage of the total number of occupied rooms. The monthly tables include preliminary statistics and are updated upon each publishing date up until the final statistics for the current year are published. The monthly tables for 2008-2018 refer to final statistics. The final statistics for 2019 will be published in the spring of 2020. observations Number of occupied rooms The total number of rooms and category of guest in per cent for youth hostel are reported from 2019.
    • 2月 2024
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 10 2月, 2024
      Orders in industry, 2015=100, by market and industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Monthly 2000M01 - 2018M102015-04-07 Aggregates and associated sub-sectors for Orders in industry has been corrected for the period January 2015.In connection with the publishing of April 2015 some methodological changes have introduced, among other a change of index method. The time series have been calculated back to 2000 in order to decrease possible level shifts and breaks in the time series, which have resulted in revisions in some historical series.2015-11-05 In connection with the publishing of September 2015, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in NACE 19 Petroleum Industry and NACE 23 industry for non-metallic mineral products. This primarily affects these sub-sectors and the aggregates where these are included.2016-04-05 In connection with the publishing of February 2016, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in NACE 24 industry for basic metals. This primarily affects this sub-sector and the aggregates where it is included.2016-12-05 In connection with the publishing of October 2016, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in NACE 29 Motor vehicle industry. This primarily affects this sub-sector and the aggregates where it is included.2017-01-10 In connection with the publishing of November 2016, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in the B industry aggregate.In connection with the publishing of March 2017, the Turnover in the service sector were revised back to January 2015. This is due to reclassification of Ericsson AB. As a result of this, also minor revisions are found in these statistics.Revised figures 2018-02-06. In connection with the December 2017 publication, statistics on the motor vehicle industry, linked aggregates and total industry were revised from January 2016.Revised figures 2018-05-04. In connection with the March 2018 publication, statistics on the motor vehicle industry, linked aggregates and total industry were revised from January 2016 as a result of new information to Statistics Sweden.Revised figures 2018-07-05. In connection with the May 2018 publication, statistics on the motor vehicle industry, linked aggregates and total industry were revised from January 2017 as a result of new information to Statistics Sweden. Only the allocation between import and export markets has been revised, the total turnover remains unchanged.Revised figures 2018-08-07. In connection with the June 2018 publication, order statistics on paper and paperboard industry, linked aggregates and total industry were revised for the month of March 2018 as a result of new information to Statistics Sweden. Only the allocation between import and export markets has been revised, the total turnover remains unchanged.observationsCurrent prices, not calendar adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataConstant prices, not calendar adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataConstant prices, calendar adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataConstant prices, calendar adjusted and seasonally adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataTrendData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataMonthly developmentPercentage change compared with previous month adjusted for calendar and seasonal effects.Annual developmentPercentage change compared with same month previous year adjusted for calendar effects.
  • S
    • 5月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 11 5月, 2023
      Enterprise unit - Basic data enterprises according to Structural Business Statistics by NACE Rev. 2 and company size. Year 2007 - 20162016-05-12 Figures were revised for the period 2013.2017-05-11. Data concerning 2014 have been revised.2017-05-11. Ericsson AB has been reclassified as a service producing company from the reference year 2015.2018-05-09 Data concerning 2015 have been revised.industrial classification NACE Rev. 219-21 manufacture of refined petroleum, chemical industry and pharmaceutical industryThere is a time series break between the years 2010 and 2011 which is caused by a large company having been reclassified from 46710 to 19200 according to NACE rev.2.46 wholesale trade, except of motor vehiclesThere is a time series break between the years 2010 and 2011 which is caused by a large company having been reclassified from 46710 to 19200 according to NACE rev.2.observationsGross investments, SEK millionThe investments for NACE rev.2 01-02 are not reported from year 2008 and onwards due to uncertainty in the statistical data.Net investments, SEK millionThe investments for NACE rev.2 01-02 are not reported from year 2008 and onwards due to uncertainty in the statistical data.year2011The publishing of 2012 data also corrected statistical data for 2011. The correction affects the production value within NACE Rev. 2 divisions 26, 29 and 35 and the stock change in NACE Rev. 2 division 29. The data published for kind-of-activity income and cost variables has been affected for these divisions. Other minor changes on the 2011 data can also be found over all divisions.
  • T
    • 2月 2024
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 10 2月, 2024
      Turnover in industry, 2015=100, by market and industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Monthly 2000M01 - 2018M102015-04-07 Aggregates and associated sub-sectors for Turnover in industry has been corrected for the period January 2015.In connection with the publishing of April 2015 some methodological changes have introduced, among other a change of index method. The time series have been calculated back to 2000 in order to decrease possible level shifts and breaks in the time series, which have resulted in revisions in some historical series.2015-11-05 In connection with the publishing of September 2015, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in NACE 19 Petroleum Industry and NACE 23 industry for non-metallic mineral products. This primarily affects these sub-sectors and the aggregates where these are included.2016-04-05 In connection with the publishing of February 2016, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in NACE 24 industry for basic metals. This primarily affects this sub-sector and the aggregates where it is included.2016-12-05 In connection with the publishing of October 2016, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in NACE 29 Motor vehicle industry. This primarily affects this sub-sector and the aggregates where it is included.2017-01-10 In connection with the publishing of November 2016, the statistics was revised back to April 2015. This is due to new information in the B industry aggregate.In connection with the publishing of March 2017, the Turnover in the service sector were revised back to January 2015. This is due to reclassification of Ericsson AB. As a result of this, also minor revisions are found in these statistics.Revised figures 2018-02-06. In connection with the December 2017 publication, statistics on the motor vehicle industry, linked aggregates and total industry were revised from January 2016.Revised figures 2018-05-04. In connection with the March 2018 publication, statistics on the motor vehicle industry, linked aggregates and total industry were revised from January 2016 as a result of new information to Statistics Sweden.Revised figures 2018-07-05. In connection with the May 2018 publication, statistics on the motor vehicle industry, linked aggregates and total industry were revised from January 2017 as a result of new information to Statistics Sweden. Only the allocation between import and export markets has been revised, the total turnover remains unchanged.observationsCurrent prices, not calendar adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataConstant prices, not calendar adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataConstant prices, calendar adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataConstant prices, calendar adjusted and seasonally adjustedData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataTrendData marked with .. involves classified information or missing dataMonthly developmentPercentage change compared with previous month adjusted for calendar and seasonal effects.Annual developmentPercentage change compared with same month previous year adjusted for calendar effects.
  • U
    • 1月 2024
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 28 1月, 2024
      Unemployed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by duration of unemployment, level of education and sex. Year 2005 - 2017duration of unemploymentRefers to ongoing periods of unemploymentduration of unemploymentRefers to ongoing periods of unemploymentlevel of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)observationsUnemployed persons, 1000sRevision 2015-01-20 and 2015-06-08 For the period April 2005-January 2006, the data of unemployment is partly based on imputed values (model based imputation) due to collection problems. The share of imputed values is however limited. The proportion was between one and five percent during April-October 2005 and between 17 and 25 percent during November 2005-January 2006.Margin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • 9月 2008
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 14 4月, 2020
      cropThe specification of crops has changed during the years, which means that some crops does not exist for all years and some crops have been aggregated compared to the specification in the data collection. Triticale was introduced in 1993 but was in 1990-1992 included in Mixed grain and triticale. White mustard and Other oil seed crops, which during some years was collected as a separate crop, is for the whole period presented under the heading Other crops. Green fodder is for the years 1993-1995 aggregated to Temporary grass. Pasture and grass for hay or silage are aggregated for the whole period.region03 Uppsala countySince 1 January 2007, Uppsala county has been expanded to include Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures.19 Västmanland countySince 1 January 2007, Västmanland county no longer includes Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures.
  • V
  • W
  • Y
    • 4月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 03 5月, 2023
      Young people aged 15-24 (LFS) not in employment and not in any education and training (NEET) by sex and labour status. Quarter 2007K1 - 2018K3observationsPercentThe percentage refers to the proportion of unemployed and inactive people who also belong to the group of Young people not in employment and not in any education and training.
    • 4月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 03 5月, 2023
      Young people aged 15-24 (LFS) not in employment and not in any education and training (NEET) by sex and previous experience of work, Quarter 2007K1 - 2018K3
    • 4月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 03 5月, 2023
      Young people aged 15-24 (LFS) not in employment and not in any education and training (NEET) by sex and Swedish/foreign born. Quarter 2007K1 - 2018K3
    • 4月 2023
      ソース: Statistics Sweden
      アップロード者: Knoema
      以下でアクセス: 03 5月, 2023
      Young people aged 15-34 (LFS) not in employment and not in any education and training (NEET) by sex and age. Quarter 2007K1 - 2018K3observationsThousandsThe NEET indicator refers to persons aged 15-24. The age groups 25-29 and 30-34 are only provided as a reference.PercentThe NEET indicator refers to persons aged 15-24. The age groups 25-29 and 30-34 are only provided as a reference.