The CO2 of the Republic of Korea

Mode of Transport Emissions (Mt in 2008)
Water Transportation 29.16 ITF
Air Transportation 11.28 ITF
Mode of Transport Inland Transportation Emissions (Mt in 2008)
Road 78.76 ITF
Rail Transportation 0.66 ITF
Economic Activity
Manufacturing Emissions 13.66 % in 2014 WB
Economic Activity Services Transportation and Warehousing
Transportation Emissions 16.28 % in 2014 WB + 1 other
Electricity Emissions 60.49 % in 2014 WB
Emissions 592.4 Million tonnes carbon dioxide in 2022 BP + 1 other
Commodities Natural resources
Fossil Fuels Emissions 12.13 ton CO2/cap in 2021 EDGAR
Intensity 2.2 kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use in 2015 WB
Transportation Type Emissions Water Transportation (Mt in 2008)
International 29.16 ITF
Local 2.76 ITF
Afghanistan Emissions 15 timeseries
Armenia 27.78 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
Azerbaijan 24.49 % in 2014 WB + 3 others
Bangladesh 14.2 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
Bhutan 1,035.2 kt in 2020 WB + 1 other
China 8.6 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 3.54 % in 2014 WB + 1 other
Georgia 42.23 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
India 11.48 % in 2014 WB + 3 others
Japan 17.54 % in 2014 WB + 3 others
Kazakhstan 6.11 % in 2014 WB + 3 others
Kyrgyzstan 27.75 % in 2014 WB + 1 other
Maldives 1,454 kt in 2020 WB + 1 other
Mongolia 11.12 % in 2014 WB + 1 other
Nepal 44.01 % in 2014 WB + 1 other
Pakistan 28.93 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
Republic of Korea 16.28 % in 2014 WB + 3 others
Sri Lanka 47.73 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
Tajikistan 33.48 % in 2014 WB + 1 other
Turkmenistan 17.55 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
Uzbekistan 6.84 % in 2014 WB + 2 others
Air Pollution Greenhouse Gases
CH4 Emissions 5 timeseries
CO2 16.28 % in 2014 WB + 3 others
HFC Emissions 1 timeseries
N2O Emissions 4 timeseries
PFC Emissions 1 timeseries
SF6 Emissions 1 timeseries
Air Pollution Greenhouse Gases CO2 Emissions (% in 2016)
Solid 50.42 WB
Liquid 30.63 WB