The usage of free from contamination of water supplies in Turkmenistan

Residence (% in 2022)
Urban 97.08 WHO
Rural 92.35 WHO
Asia (% in 2022)
Afghanistan 27.73 WHO
Azerbaijan 90.92 WHO
Bangladesh 62.35 WHO
Bhutan 91.48 WHO
China Urban 1 timeseries
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 48.83 WHO
Georgia 40.53 WHO
India Rural 1 timeseries
Kyrgyzstan 81.36 WHO
Mongolia 55.77 WHO
Nepal 14.19 WHO
Pakistan 46.86 WHO
Sri Lanka 38.7 WHO
Turkmenistan 92.35 WHO
Uzbekistan 89.38 WHO
Water (% in 2022)
Usage 92.35 WHO
Water Supplies 92.35 WHO
Water Facility Quality Improved (% in 2022)
Accessible on premises 99 WHO
Available when needed 99 WHO
Free from contamination 92.35 WHO
Safely managed 92.35 WHO
Non-piped 78.1 WHO
Piped 21.9 WHO