(2 November 2020) Contrary to reasoned arguments of those who believe that the peak of oil demand is still far ahead even as the likes of bp expect we'll never again return to pre-COVID global oil demand levels, the US stock market has already chosen the green path. For the first time ever, the market value of a primary producer of renewable energy has surpassed that of oil majors. 

  • On October 7, 2020, the market value of the world's largest producer of wind and solar energy—Nextera Energy—topped US oil majors Exxon Mobil and Chevron. One day before US election day, the market capitalisation of Nextera Energy amounted to $143 billion, compared to capitalization of $138 billion and $134 billion, respectively, for Exxon and Chevron.
  • The data shows that for the past decade long-term investment in fossil fuels tends toward losses rather than profits. Every dollar invested in fossil fuels assets in the best case preserves its nominal value, while each dollar invested in renewables, such as Nextera, ten years ago today would yield almost six dollars.

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The Energy Data Brief offers key statistics designed to help energy market watchers anticipate and respond to developments in the energy sector as well as changes in related industries and investments.


US Energy Agency Lowers US Oil Production Estimates for 2019-2020

In November 2018, the United States exported a historic 2.6 million barrels of crude oil per day to become the world’s fifth largest exporter of crude oil. While the US is on track to maintain this historic volume of production during the next couple of years, the EIA in March tempered its February production growth forecast, issuing a 0.9 percent downward revision for 2019 and 1.3 percent revision for 2020. The current forecast predicts average 12.3 million b/d production this year and 13 million b/d in 2020, while the previous average estimates were 12.41 and 13.2 million b/d,...

United States: The World's Newest Major Exporter of Crude Oil

In June, US crude oil exports reached historic levels at nearly 2.2 million barrels per day (b/d), a level similar to that of Nigeria and Iran. From 1975 until late 2015, a federal ban on the export of US crude oil severely restricted crude oil exports to all countries except Canada. By lifting the ban, the US Government has transformed the United States into a major exporter of crude oil and a force that is reshaping global oil markets. To date in 2018, the United States has averaged more than 1.7 million b/d of crude oil exports while continuing to import an average of 7.9...

Sulpetro | Liquefied Petroleum Gas Plants Overview, Texas, US

(10 December 2020) Texas is the leader in refinery LPG production in the United States. Learn about the facilities behind this key statistic and more about the Texas LPG landscape with the interactive visualizations below. This data sample from Sulpetro has been collected from Federal and State agencies in addition to oil & gas think-tanks, corporate financials, and other paid-proprietary sources to offer comprehensive insight into the Texas NGL industry.

Renewable Energy

(October 2016) - Renewable energy resources have increasingly become mainstream energy soures worldwide, catapulted by new capacity in developing countries. Depending on the source, renewable energy has or is poised to surpass coal to become the world's largest source of electrical power capacity. The International Energy Agency (IEA) in its most recent medium-term renewable market report said that this transition occurred during 2015, while according to the latest energy outlook by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) the transition will be completed in 2016. The IEA...